Marriage is lifetime bond, which survives all the odds & evens of life when two people promise to be together forever. Unfortunately, sometimes, one among the two partners loses interest and gives up. Is this the reason behind you not planning to marry? If so, reading further will change your thoughts and you will treat […]
The world is talking about the beauty of tropical island, Philippines. The warm white sand, cool breezes and pina coladas are not the only things famous for likes of people around the world but dating Asia’s lovelies is taking over the Internet. Check Out Some Facts: 56% of Filipinos are using online dating The revenue […]
Philippines is a land of beautiful and elegant people. Full of life, people here believe in enjoying each day, appreciate the little things and are content with whatever they have. No matter what the situation, they hold on to their values and strong principles. So, what else is special about the country? Women! Yes, single […]